In accordance with the program RFC will pay personal scholarships to students of technical specialties in demand in the fishing fleet. One of the criteria is student performance in professional disciplines. The scholarship can be awarded to MSU students, starting from the second year of study.
The RFC and Moscow State University cooperation is not limited to the establishment of scholarships for future specialists, but internship is organized also.
“Cooperation with the university is important for the company, especially in such an important area as support and career guidance for students. The future of our industry depends on their knowledge and focus on the professional development, - said Viktor Litvinenko, General Director of the Russian Fishery Company. - Our company is ready to provide the best students with not only a base for internship, but also jobs in the future. We are interested in long-term cooperation, so we rely on young highly qualified specialists who will be able to replenish the crews of our new super trawlers in the future”.