The Bunker Review was contributed by Marine Bunker Exchange (MABUX)
MABUX World Bunker Index (consists of a range of prices for 380 HSFO, VLSFO and MGO in the main world hubs) showed moderate upward evolution on Sep 09:
380 HSFO - USD/MT – 460.92 (+3.72)
VLSFO - USD/MT – 556.17 (+3.72)
MGO - USD/MT – 652.10 (+1.97)
The MABUX ARA LNG Bunker Index, calculated as the average price of LNG as a marine fuel in the ARA region, upward slightly on September 10: 1060.45 USD / MT (plus 0.99 USD). The MABUX LNG Bunker Index exceeds the cost of MGO LS in the port of Rotterdam by 476.45 USD (584 USD / MT as September 09), the difference in price compared to the day before rose by 0.99 USD. LNG bunker indices are available at
As of September 09, a correlation of MABUX MBP Index (Market Bunker Prices) vs MABUX DBP Index (Digital Bunker Prices Benchmark) in four largest global hubs showed that 380 HSFO and VLSFO fuel grades were overvalued in all selected ports.
MABUX MBP / DBP Index registered the following overpricing for 380 HSFO fuel on September 09: in Rotterdam - plus $ 3 (unchanged), in Singapore - plus $ 43 (plus $ 38 the day before), in Fujairah - plus $ 30 (unchanged) and in Houston - plus $ 10 (plus $ 12). The overvaluation margins are steady.
VLSFO, according to the MABUX MBP / DBP Index, was overpriced on September 09 in Rotterdam - plus $ 6 (minus $ 7 the day before), in Singapore - plus $ 19 (unchanged), in Fujairah - plus $ 19 (minus $ 18) and in Houston - plus $ 8 (minus $ 10). VLSFO overcharge ratio did not show any significant changes.
In general, the global bunker market is now in a stable state, and changes in bunker fuel prices are minimal.
We expect global bunker prices to decrease slightly today: 380 HSFO – minus 3-6 USD/MT, VLSFO – minus 4-7 USD/MT, MGO LS – 0 - minus 5 USD/MT.
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