As it was reported earlier, Nefteflot CJSC signed a contract for construction of eight survey ships of Project RDB 66.62 in November 2020. The contract price – 1 billion 236 million 744 rubles. The design was developed by Rostov based central design bureau “Stapel”.
The ships are intended for hydrographic surveys at inland water ways and in water areas of the ports. They will be fitted with modern automated equipment and shallow-draught survey boats.
The survey ships will be handed over to authorities of IWW basins.
Key particulars of the ships: length – 24.31 m; width – 5.76 m; height – 13.40 m; depth – 2.20 m; draft – 0.93 m; class notation by Russian River Register - «О2,0(ice20)А». Crew and survey personnel – 7.
Samara based shipyard of Nefteflot CJSC specializes in ship construction and repair. It is certified by Russian River Register and Russian Maritime Register of Shipping.
Related link:
Nefteflot lays down two survey ships of Project RDB66.62>>>>