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2021 December 28   15:00

The Russian Fishery Company announces the preliminary results of 2021

By the end of 2021, the Russian Fishery Company will master more than 90% of the Pollock catch quota, according to the company's release. The volume of the RFC’s quota for the Pollock catch in 2021 amounted to 302.3 thousand tons.

While maintaining high catch volumes, the company is increasing the production of deep- processed Pollock products frozen at sea - fillets, mince and surimi. The growth in the production of these high-margin products is more than 50% compared to the previous year. Already produced about 2.3 thousand tons of surimi on the first supertrawler of the company - Vladimir Limanov. RFC continued to develop sales markets - both domestic and foreign.

The volume of deep-processed products sales in the domestic market in 2021 increased by more than 70% compared to the previous year. In particular, in order to increase sales of Pollock fillets on the Russian market, a long-term contract was signed with Fish Processing Plant No. 1.

The first contracts were also signed for the supply of a new product - surimi - to the domestic market. To develop sales of this product in the foreign market long-term agreements with Chinese and Japanese partners - COFCO Food Import (China) and Daisui (Japan) were signed in 2021.

In 2021, RFC made progress in replacing raw materials exports to China with supplies of high-quality Pollock fillets. RFC’s partners sell these products of the company in the national retail chains of China and in the public catering sector. In 2022, RFC plans to ensure the supply of at least 5,000 tons of Pollock fillets in the region.

The countries of the European Union are the largest export destination for the RFC’s Pollock fillets and mince. Thus, Pacific Rim Group (the exclusive distributor of RFC’s products in export markets) continues to systematically increase the supply of Pollock fillets and mince to the EU: the volume of mince and fillet contracts increased from 12 thousand tons in 2020 up to almost 20 thousand tons in 2021. In 2022 it is planned to increase this figure to 25 thousand tons.

In order to increase the efficiency of shipments of RFC’s products to Europe and the United States, direct deliveries from the port of Vladivostok, along with deliveries through China and South Korea, have been mastered.

RFC develops sales of products not only from Pollock, but also from other fishing objects. In particular, in 2021, Pacific Rim Group increased its sales of RFC’s herring to the African region by 20% compared to last year. In 2022, the company will continue to increase the volume of deep sea processing and, accordingly, its sales both in the domestic and foreign markets.

A serious breakthrough in this direction will ensure the commissioning in the first half of 2022 of two more super trawlers, the construction of which is being completed at the Admiralty shipyards in St. Petersburg. About Russian Fishery Company RFC is one of the largest producers of Pollock globally. The company is among the three leading Russian producers of wild white fish.

The main harvested species are Pollock and Pacific Нerring. RFC is engaged in fishing in the far Eastern fisheries basin. The Company’s large fishing vessels are well suited to work in all fishing areas and under all climate conditions. They are equipped with modern fishing and processing equipment from leading international suppliers that enables the vessels to harvest different types of seafood.

Strategic goals of the Company involve increasing the output of high value-added products due to building of new, state-of-the-art supertrawlers.  RFC is building a new fleet of 11 supertrawlers. Each trawler is designed for an annual catch of more than 60 thousand tons of fish, which is 2.5 times higher than the productivity of vessels that are today the basis of the fishing fleet in the Russian Far East. The first of supertrawlers to be built for the RFC was handed over to the company in 2020.

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