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  3. Marine Rescue Service’s tender for Pionersky terminal construction attracts two Russian and one Turkish bidder

2022 April 7   17:25

Marine Rescue Service’s tender for Pionersky terminal construction attracts two Russian and one Turkish bidder

Image source: Rosmorport

Some participants estimate the works at almost double starting price of contract

FSBI Marine Rescue Service has published the list of bids under a competition for implementation of subcontract works in the framework of the following project: “Construction of port infrastructure in Kaliningrad seaport. International terminal for cruise and passenger ships in Pionersky, the Kaliningrad Region.”

According to the official portal for public procurement, the bidding companies are Filtr LLC, Mezhregionstroy LLC and Belda Inşaat Taahhüt Ve Ticaret Ltd.Şti.

Maximum starting price of the contract is RUB 3 billion.

The works are to be completed by 1 March 2023.

Mezhregionstroy LLC estimates the works at RUB 5.9 billion, almost twice as much as the initial contract price. Filtr LLC offers implementing the works for RUB 2.99 billion although the labour force stated in the bidder’s competence section numbers only two employees. Belda Inşaat Taahhüt Ve Ticaret Ltd.Şti.is ready to perform the works at maximum starting price of contract but the company failed to provide the documents confirming its experience in similar projects translated into Russia. According to the company’s website, BELDA İNŞAAT provides turnkey contracting and engineering services for residential, commercial, social and industrial building projects as main contractor particularly in Turkmenistan and Russian Federation.

The project on construction of an international sea terminal for cruise and passenger vessels at Pionersky of the Kaliningrad Region is being implemented in pursuance of the presidential order dated 5 October 2013 (No Пр-2368) and the governmental order dated 14 October 2013 (No АД-П9-7317). The project is included into the Sea Transport sub-programme of Federal Targeted Programme “Development of Russia’s Transport System in 2010-2021”.

The project is expected to annually ensure up to 110 calls of cruise ships with at least 225,000 cruise passengers and 312 calls of ferries able to carry 80,000 passengers and 80,000 Ro-Ro units.  

The construction works have been suspended. Disruption of the construction deadlines should be attributed to two factors: damage of the construction structures by a storm in January 2019 and nonfulfillment of obligations by a contractor with a failure to meet the construction schedule.

General Contractor for completion of port infrastructure development under the project on construction of international terminal in Pionersky is Marine Rescue Service.

Related links:

Marine Rescue Service to find subcontractor for construction of terminal in Pionersky >>>>

Rosmorport announces tender for further construction of international terminal in Pionersky>>>>

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