In January-March 2023, Russian seaports handled 220.2 million tonnes of cargo, up 10%, year-on-year, including 105.4 million tonnes of dry bulk cargo (+17%) and 114.8 million tonnes of liquid bulk cargo (+4.2%), according to statistics of the Federal Marine and River Transport Agency (Rosmorrechflot) shared in its Telegram channel.
Throughput of seaports in the Arctic Basin rose by 2.8% to 24.6 million tonnes including 7.3 million tonnes of dry bulk cargo (+31.6%) and 17.3 million tonnes of liquid bulk cargo (-5.9 %).
Throughput of seaports in the Baltic Basin totaled 64.8 million tonnes (+6.8%) including 26.3 million tonnes of dry bulk cargo (+8.4%) and 38.5 million tonnes of liquid bulk cargo (+5.8%).
Throughput of seaports in the Azov-Black Sea Basin rose by 18.6% to 72.2 million tonnes including 33.9 million tonnes of dry bulk cargo (+32.1%) and 38.3 million tonnes of liquid bulk cargo (+8.7%).
Throughput of seaports in the Caspian Basin rose by 28.5% to 1.6 million tonnes including 0.9 million tonnes of dry bulk cargo (+56.4%) and 0.7 million tonnes of liquid bulk cargo (+4.2%).
Throughput of seaports in the Far East Basin rose by 6.6% to 57 million tonnes including 37 million tonnes of dry bulk cargo (+8.8%) and 20 million tonnes of liquid bulk cargo (+2.7%).
Rosmorrechflot says the growth of Russian seaport has increased from the beginning of the year. For the first time this year, none of the basins saw a decrease of the total throughput.