In the first quarter of 2023, seaports of Astrakhan and Olya handled 814 thousand tonnes, up 72%, year-on-year, press center of the Astrakhan Region Government cites Ilya Volynsky, Minister of Industry, Trade and Energy of the Astrakhan Region, as said during the expert session “New opportunities of the North-South international transport corridor” held in the Astrakhan State University.
“We see positive trends in transshipment of cargo via the seaports of the Astrakhan Region. Total throughput of Astrakhan and Olya seaports in January-March of the current year totaled 814 thousand tonnes,” said the Minister adding that the result of the whole year of 2022 was near 3 million tonnes, 14% more than in 2021.
“About 90% of cargo going through the Astrakhan water transport hub flows in the direction of Iran. The Astrakhan region is crossed by transit cargo from Turkey, Iran, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan to Russia and back,” explained Ilya Volynsky.
Seaports Olya and Astrakhan are located in the Vola river mouth.