In 2023, the port’s throughput is expected to fall by 19.3% YoY

Strips make the bulk of the port’s cargo turnover. Its handling surged 2.4 times to 529.3 thousand tonnes (vs the planned 453 thousand tonnes).
In 2023, the port’s throughput is expected to fall by 19.3%, year-on-year, to 491 thousand tonnes, close to the result of 2021.
In 2022, sales excluding VAT totaled RUB 152.08 million, up 74.5%, year-on-year and up 40.1% versus the plan.
Net profit of Volgograd River Port totaled RUB 50.74 million, up 7.57 times, year-on-year.
Volgograd River Port was founded on the Volga river in 1862. It covers an area of 370.4 thousand square meters, the length of the port’s cargo berth is 661 line meters. Total throughput capacity of berths handling dry bulk cargo is 10 thousand tonnes per day, packaged cargo - 3 thousand tonnes per day. Total storage area – 29.6 thousand square meters. The company operates 16 units of handling equipment. It is able to handle over 3 million tonnes of various cargoes per year.