From the beginning of 2023, ferries carried 16,677 railway cars, 11,057 vehicles and more than 18 thousand TEU
In January-July 2023, throughput of “Seaport Ust-Luga - seaport Kaliningrad (Baltiysk)” line totaled 1.34 million tonnes, according to the dedicated Telegram channel “Ferry service. Baltiysk - Ust-Luga. Feeder Shipping of Containers”.
In July, the line saw the maximum turnover of railway cars from the beginning of its operation - 2,885 railway cars.
From the beginning of 2023, ferries of FSUE Rosmorport and Oboronlogistics LLC carried 16,677 railway cars, 11,057 vehicles and more than 18 thousand TEU of containerized cargo.