Tatarstan, Russia based Zelenodolsk Shipyard named after Maxim Gorky (part of Ak Bars Shipbuilding Corporation, AK BARS Holding) has launched and delivered to Tatarstan Republic Fleet JSC the high-speed passenger hydrofoil of Project 03830, Meteor-2020, according to the Telegram of the Ministry of Transport and Roads of the Republic of Tatarstan.
The ship is named after Musa Jalil, Tatar poet and journalist, war correspondent, Hero of the Soviet Union.
The ship designer is Sea Tech Ltd. headquartered in Nizhny Novgorod. The ships feature an innovative self-stabilizing flight control system allowing for a 20-30% increase of seaworthiness, 40-50% decrease of load when accelerating on waves, reduction of take-off time and other advantages.
As IAA PortNews reported earlier, Tatarstan Republic Fleet JSC with a 100% participation of the Republic of Tatarstan (RT) in the authorized capital was established in spring 2023 in order to develop passenger transportation by inland water transport. RUB 2 billion have been contributed from the budget of the Republic of Tatarstan as payment into the company’s authorized capital.
On 1 June 2023, Zelenodolsk Shipyard named after Maxim Gorky held a ceremony for the delivery of high-speed passenger hydrofoil of Project 03830, Meteor-2020 named Mikhail Devyatayev, and passenger ship of Project А217-1.
Zelenodolsk Plant named after M. Gorky based in Tatarstan, Russia specializes in the construction of warships and passenger high-speed vessels. The enterprise is managed by AK BARS HOLDING. The shipyard has built more than 1,500 different ships, including 600 warships.