The catch within the Far East fishery basin accounted for 77% of the total volume
From the beginning of 2023, Russian fishing companies have caught 3.5 million tonnes of aquatic bioresources, 13% more, year-on-year, says press center of Rosrybolovstvo (Russian Federal Fisheries Agency) referring to its center for fishery monitoring.
In the Far East fishery basin, the catch totaled 2.7 million tonnes (+18.7%), in the Northern basin — 317.8 thousand tonnes, in the Western basin — 56 thousand tonnes (+9%), in the Azov-Black Sea basin — 24.7 thousand tonnes, in the Volga-Caspian basin — 55.1 thousand tonnes (+14.7%).
Within foreign countries’ exclusive economic zones, convention areas and open part of the oceans, Russian fishing ships caught 345.6 thousand tonnes.