24 projects of Arctic Capital PDA and RF Arctic Zone residents are fully operational
The priority development area Arctic Capital (Arctic Capital PDA) and the RF Arctic Zone (RFAZ) number a total of 214 residents, Murmansk Region Governor Andrey Chibis said at the operational meeting. The official commissioning of Vitino seaport intended for transshipment of oil products is expected until the end of 2023. NOVATEK’ subsidiary Arctic Transshipment, a resident of RFAZ, plans to complete the project on construction of an offshore LNG transshipment complex in the Ura Bay, Murmansk Region, this year as well. That was reported by the press service of the Murmansk Region Government.
“As of the end of the first half of 2023, the Arctic Capital PDA and RF Arctic Zone residents have invested more than RUB 190 billion in the implementation of projects, which is half of the planned investments, and created almost 5,000 jobs. 24 projects have been put into operation. The residents’ total amount of investments in the region's economy have already exceeded RUB 384 billion. The number of jobs to be generated exceeds 11.5 thousand,” said the Govenor adding that an LNG transshipment complex would be opened in the Ura Bay.
The residents’ projects are mainly focused on the internal market.
Among the implemented projects is the Center for Construction of Large Offshore Facilities (CCLOF) by NOVATEK-Murmansk LLC a production facility of Renaissance Arctic. The project on construction of coal handling facility Lavna being implemented by PDA resident Commercial Port Lavna nears completion, its readiness is estimated at 68%.