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  3. WTSA pushes full floating surcharges in July bunker hikes

2008 May 28   06:59

WTSA pushes full floating surcharges in July bunker hikes

Westbound Transpacific Stabilisation Agreement container shipping lines have announced plans to raise bunker surcharges, effective July 1 to US$600 per FEU to achieve full, floating surcharges this year.
As previously announced, US-Asia container lines will raise their bunker surcharges in July, and "as of October 1, surcharge levels for all tariff and contract cargo will be increased to the full, floating bunker surcharge in effect at that time, and will then be adjusted monthly to float with fuel price fluctuations under the WTSA calculation formula," a release said.
"With the inbound Asia-US trade flat, and with fuel, inland intermodal and other costs rising, westbound traffic must truly begin to pay its own way," said Brian Conrad, WTSA executive administrator.
"Renewal of long-term intermodal rail contracts has meant 25-35 per cent rate increases, for loaded and repositioned empty containers. Trucking rates have risen by a similar degree, through a combination of rates and fuel surcharges. Cargo handling costs at port terminals and inland distribution points have also increased dramatically," he said.

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