Speaking on the sidelines of a function to celebrate the port’s 138 years of operations, A K Chanda, chairman, KoPT, said the port has received some offers for overseas consultancy. “However, to execute these offers we need more flexibility in terms of going to the locations etc. There cannot be restrictive participation. For this, we need the permission of the government, which we do not have yet,” he said.
The third largest port in the country, in terms of cargo handling, had started offering consultancy services to domestic private port operators.
The Rs 1,235-crore Diamond Harbour container terminal project has also undergone changes. Earlier, the multiple-jetty project was being set up to handle dry bulk cargo and containers. But now, Chanda said, the plan is to go in for four container jetties.
The project has also been delayed by three months because of land issues. About 30% of the 125 acres identified for the project belong to the defence authorities. While, the state government approvals have come, the matter is still pending with the defence ministry.
“The defence ministry will first examine whether the land is required for its own use. Once verified, the ministry will give us a nod,” Chanda said.
The terminal is being built on the public-private partnership model and will be completed in three years.
KoPT aims to increase its cargo volume to 58 million tonne by the end of this fiscal year from 57.3 million tonne last fiscal. However, this figure can improve on better drafting facilities, which can deepen the water depth.
KoPT has an investment plan of Rs 996 crore in the 11th Five Year Plan for execution of various projects. However, costs for its river-related works, for which Rs 421 crore have been earmarked, has gone up to Rs 936.44 crore and is under revalidation. The port handled a record 57.329 million tonne of traffic in 2007-08. It registered the highest net surplus amongst all Indian major ports for the last two years.