Bulgarian companies to participate in the construction of ports, shipyards and dockyards at Caspian Sea, including for oil-tankers and tankers for compressed natural gas - this issue was discussed by Bulgarian Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism Traycho Traykov and Kazakhstan Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Sauat Mynbayev during their meeting in Astana, Standart News reports. Kazakhstan is considering Bulgaria as a serious partner in regard of the country's plans to increase the export of oil and gas by 2020, the president of Kazakhstan's National Oil-gas Company KazMunayGas Kairgeldy Kabyldin stated before Minister Traykov. He pointed out that this might be realized by transit via Caspian Sea, Black Sea and Bulgaria. For Bulgaria gas deliveries via Black Sea are important possibility to diversify the sources and the routes, Traycho Traykov said.