Freight volume handled at the terminals of FESCO Group's Commercial Seaport of Vladivostok (CPV) in January-September 2011 decreased by 10.6% year-on-year to 4.8 million tons, the Company said Wednesday.
In the reporting period the stevedore handled 2,828,000 tons of dry bulk, liquid bulk and other general cargoes. The port daily throughput was on average 17,563 tons of cargo.
Nine-month container traffic totaled 314,369 TEUs, including 216,253TEUs handled at Vladivostok Container Terminal (VCT), other terminals throughput was 98,116 TEUs. The volume includes 115,234 TEUs of export containers, 118,503 TEUs of import containers and 80,632 TEUs of short sea trade.
In the third quarter of the year, CPV handled 1,649,800 tons of different cargoes, including 713,300 tons of dry bulk, liquid bulk and other general cargoes.
Three-month container throughput was 118,946 TEUs, of which 78,436 TEUs were loaded/offloaded at VCT, other terminals handled 40,510 TEUs. Exports amounted to 41,934 TEUs, imports – 46,660 TEUs, coastal traffic – 30,946 TEUs.
In September, CPV throughput was 479,000 tons, including 177,100 tons of bulk, general and liquid bulk cargoes. Monthly volume of containerized cargo totaled 39,169 TEUs, including 26,434 TEUs handled at VCT, and12,735 TEUs – by other box terminals. Outbound containers amounted to 14,455 TEUs, inbound – 14,266 TEUs, coastal traffic boxes – 10,448 TEUs. In Jul-Sept, CPV handled 34,700 tons of grain cargo.
Commercial Seaport of Vladivostok, member of FESCO Transport Group, owns and operates its assets at the port of Vladivostok, one of the largest Russian seaports in the Far East. Port of Vladivostok encompasses 55 ha, over 14 km of waterfront with 17 berths, including terminals for handling grain, containers, imported cars and a passenger terminal. In 2010, CPV’s cargo throughput rose year-over-year by 11% to 6.9 million tons.