LLC RN-Bunker announced the delivery of the time-chartered 4,500 tons RN-Magellan tanker from Rosnefteflot as of Oct. 21st, the Company said Friday.
The tanker handover ceremony was held today at the port of Murmansk. The ceremony was attended by the Murmansk regional authorities, representatives of OJSC Rosneft, CJSC Rosnefteflot and LLC RN-Bunker.
Under the time charter agreement signed between CJSC Rosnefteflot and LLC RN Bunker the tanker is chartered for 10 years.
The conventional tanker of ice navigation RN Magellan is classified as 1A. Build year - 2007, DWT – 4,622 tons. Home Port - Murmansk.
The tanker will be operated on the short sea services between the ports of Arkhangelsk and Murmansk, along the Kola Peninsula coast and Novaya Zemlya, and in bunkering operations of RN-Bunker’s fleet in the Kola Bay.
Rosneft Bunker (RN-Bunker), a 100%-owned company of Rosneft, supplies bunker fuels at all major Russian ports of the Far East, Black Sea and the North-West regions of Russia, at river ports of the Volga-Don, Amur and Lena basins. The delivered oil products are produced at Rosneft’s seven refineries based in Komsomolsk, Achinsk, Angarsk, Kuibyshev, Novokuibyshevsk, Syzran and Tuapse. RN-Bunker transships oil products at 4 port oil depots located in Sakhalin, Nakhodka, Archangelsk, Tuapse, and at the FSO vessel Belokamenka.