A St.Petersburg shipyard has completed construction of a supply vessel that will cater to the needs of an oil platform within VS 485 PSV project.
The vessel is ready to operate and will be used for transshipment of drill fluid, bulk, methanol and general-purpose cargo on the open deck. Besides, the vessel may be used in emergent situations.
At the vessel commissioning ceremony, Severnaya Verf signed a memo with GSE Sandwik, a Norwegian ship-owning company, to declare cooperation efforts in the spheres of vessels engineering, international bids, and partnership in international projects including those on the Arctic shelf.
According to RBC, Severnaya Verf is the first in Russia to produce ready-to-operate vessels for a European customer.
In November 2012, Severnaya Verf is to celebrate its centennial anniversary. Established on 14 November 1912, and then-known as Putilovkskaya shipyard, the company was to construct vessels for the Russian Empire. Until now, Severnaya Verf has constructed about 400 vessels; 170 out of them are for Russia’s naval forces.