Istanbul, Turkey headquartered FreightArea has launched a new online system that helps reduce logistics costs of international trade companies, but with support of logistics companies to increase their turnover, the Company said in a press-release.
FreightArea said it had created an algorithm that provides the simplest and most user-friendly e-logistics system. As such, businesses can have instant and accurate status on the progress of their goods through their smart-phones, tablets, laptops or desktops.
Mr. Onder Turker, CEO of FreightArea, says “We see ourselves as a service provider to the freight industry. We do not ship anything nor do we carry any goods. We just guide freight buyers to the right logistics companies. We do not ask any commission fee from either logistics companies orimporters/exporters. We create efficiencies in transportation and pass onthe savings to our clients”.
FreightArea is a web-based freight transportation management services provider to businesses of all kinds and already awarded in “Innovatin Challenge2014”. The Company is devoted to development of mutually beneficial relationships with small and medium-sized companies throughout the world by assisting them in their import and export needs.