This week the Maersk Group launches a computer game and teaching materials about oil exploration and oil production for Danish secondary schools, technical colleges and higher preparatory examination courses. The materials are available free of charge, the Company said in a press release.
More than 340,000 players have already tried the oil exploration game via The game provides an insight into the global oil industry and the various elements of oil exploration, drilling and production through the oil fields in the North Sea and Qatar.
Quest for Oil combines knowledge of geography, physics and earth science, which has attracted the attention of teachers. The Maersk Group now launches an educational package targeted at students and teachers in these particular subjects. Several Danish secondary schools have already signed up for the package.
"We have experienced great interest in the Quest for Oil game and on the request of several high schools we are now launching an educational package. We are pleased that a significant number of students and teachers find oil exploration and oil production interesting, and the educational package will contribute to sharpening student's understanding in this field of education, says Birgitte Henrichsen, Head of Group Communication and Branding, the Maersk Group.
Do homework via the app
The educational package has been developed in close collaboration with teachers from secondary schools in Denmark, who have also participated in ongoing testing of the materials. These include, besides the game itself, a booklet, a teacher's guide as well as a student's guide and assignments. The package can be used in a 90-minute lesson or form part of a project day.
The materials can be downloaded via and used immediately. Teachers can also download an introductory session. The materials will be made available in an app that allows students to complete the exercises and send them to their teacher electronically. The app can be downloaded from App Store in May 2014.
The Maersk Group has also experienced international interest in Quest for Oil. In summer 2014, an edition targeted at American high schools will be launched and further versioning of the educational package have already been planned.
Facts about Quest for Oil
The Quest for Oil-site was launched 10 June 2013, and more than 340,000 unique users have visited the site. More than 182,000 game sessions have been initiated and each gamer has spent around 31 minutes per game. The game has been produced by FRND, Quartz+Co og Serious Games Interactive.