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2014 May 21   12:29

RS Branch Office commenced work in Shanghai

A new RS Branch Office has opened in Shanghai (People's Republic of China), RS says in its press release. In accordance with the requirements of PRC legislation the Branch Office was registered in December 2013, and in May it started to work with shipowners and manufacturers of materials and equipment.

Russian-Chinese relations in the field of shipbuilding and shipping industry have a long history. Since September 1947 in the People's Republic of China Inspection of the USSR Register of Shipping functioned with survey stations in Shanghai and Dalian. The Chinese surveyors working within it adopted experience of Russian personnel on technical supervision of sea-going ships, development of specifications and safety standards with regard to maritime transport. Cooperation with the Register has given impetus to the Chinese potential development in the area of classification and allowed to form their own team of qualified professionals capable of carrying out survey of ships under construction and their maintenance up to the world standard. In June 1962 Inspection of the USSR Register of Shipping was closed due to the transfer of functions of the USSR Register in China to the Chinese Classification Society.

In the early 2000s, with a glance to changes in economic conditions a sustainable interest of the Russian shipowners in shipbuilding and ship repair in China was formed. In April, 2003 RS Representation in China was established in Tianjin, which in accordance with the PRC laws in 2009 was transformed into Limited Liability Company "Russian Maritime Register of Shipping in Tianjin" (PRC)".

The decision to open a new Branch Office in one of the world capitals of the maritime industry was taken by RS due to the active development of Russian-Chinese relations. High quality of the work carried out by Chinese companies in maritime industries, growth of their technological capabilities offer excellent challenges for RS and enable the organisation to expand their activities in China.

Russian Maritime Register of Shipping takes into account the increasing demand for classification services at the global market for maritime transport and it extends its network of Branch Offices for the convenience of customers. Currently more than 50 RS Branch Offices are functioning in 38 countries worldwide that allows the organisation to provide a full range of services in any region quickly, reliably and efficiently.

To improve the RS information management efficiency, RS has implemented and it is successfully using a system of the request automated record and Document Management System "THESIS", which integrates all Branch Offices of the organisation and permits you to find solutions promptly to any customer appeals.

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