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2014 May 21   12:47

RS participated in automated design systems seminar

Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RS) participated in the scientific and practical seminar ‘Innovative systems of computer-aided design and manufacturing in the shipbuilding and ship repair’. The event was held on 15 May 2014 at the Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping.

The main topics of discussion at the seminar were tasks and advantages of automated technologies in design and production, issues of their implementation in modern shipbuilding and training of qualified personnel capable to apply new technologies in practice, experience of using Nupas-Cadmatic software in design and engineering development of marine equipment.

On behalf of RS, Maxim Boyko, Head of the RS Research Department, made a report on the organisation's role in the build-up of a modern normative base for the design and construction of ships using modern information technologies. He told of the RS activities on the development and technical support for the rules and other RS normative documents applied during survey of ships in service and classification of newbuilding. M. Boyko stressed that by using computer-aided design it is necessary to take into account normative requirements of a classification society for which class a ship is being built, since only in this case use of CAD will be most effective.

The seminar was organised in the framework of the agreement between RS, Makarov University, Design Bureau Petrobalt and the Dutch company Numeriek Centrum Groningen signed at the Neva exhibition in September 2013.

Interaction with marine institutions of higher education in training of qualified personnel for the maritime industry is one of the main directions of the personnel policy of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping.

RS is working closely with Makarov University and especially for it RS prepared training manual ‘Classification. General information on classification societies’ and continues to work on other teaching aids. In addition, at the University the RS Head Office personnel carry out training seminars on the most acute issues of national and international requirements related to safety of navigation. RS Chief Executive Officer S.N. Sedov is a member of the University Supervisory Board.


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