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2015 July 14   17:50

IMO Secretary-General elect visits IMO Headquarters

On July 13, 2015 Mr Ki-tack Lim, IMO Secretary-General elect, visited IMO Headquarters upon invitation from IMO Secretary-General, Koji Sekimizu, beginning the process of a smooth transition, IMO press center says. Mr Lim was elected by the IMO Council in June 2015 and will take up the post on January 1 2016.​

​IMO Sec-Gen Sekimizu has opened the second session of the Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III), (13-17 July), which is being chaired by Captain Dwain Hutchinson (Bahamas). Items on the agenda include casualty analysis, harmonization of port State control activities and review of the GlobalReg set of generic safety general principles and functional requirements for the safety of passenger ships not covered by SOLAS.


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