MOL Liner Ltd. announces the May 2016 results of Regional Key Performance Indicators (KPI) in Asia in the following categories: operations, customer service, and electronic data interchange (EDI).
*1 For the terminals in Japan, the measure of in-terminal truck turn time is defined as gate in time (or consolidated gate in) to cargo roll on/off at the respective terminal (or berth).
*2 We have adjusted the system measurement based on what we can realistically achieve by setting one abandoned call after three rings (approximately 10 seconds), effective with June 2015. The previous system measurement was set to read the abandoned calls after one ring (approximately 3 seconds).
*3 The target has been increased from 90% to 95%, effective with January 2015.
*4 The target has been modified effective in January 2015. The target was previously “within 72 hours”. It is now “100% setup within 48 hours.