GTsKB Rechflota LLC says it has completed the development of work design and lofting documentation for the hull of multi-functional diving catamaran of Project SDS18.
The ship will be built by Okskaya Sudoverf shipyard for Marine Rescue Service of Rosmorrechflot. The class design was developed by Marine Engineering Bureau.
The ship of Project SDS18 is intended for support of diving operations at depth of up to 60 meters and sea waves of up to 3 points; taking part in rescue and ship lifting operations; accommodation and operation of scientific and research facilities; examination of bottom, sunken ships, underwater parts of hulls and hydraulic engineering facilities; ensuring of small size ROV operation at sea waves of up to 3 points.
Key characteristics: LOA – about 46.20 m; BOA – 13.73 m; depth – 4.20 m; CWL draught – 2.0 m; draught at the summer load waterline – 2.5 m; speed – 11.5 knots; endurance - 25 days. Crew – 7, total number of accommodation places - 12. Personnel accommodation - 18.
Class notation - КМ Ice1 R1 AUT3-ICS OMBO DYNPOS-1 Catamaran Special purpose ship by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping.
Work design was done with Nupas Cadmatic, cutting files – with UPNEST&UPEDITOR.
GTsKB Rechflota LLC was established in 2006. Apart from development of design documentation, supervising of the shipbuilding process, assessment and consulting, the company offers shipbuilding and ship repair services.