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2017 May 12   12:14

"Spasatel Kavdeykin" takes part in the oil spill response exercises in the port Prigorodnoye

According to information from press-service of the Marine Salvage Service of Rosmorrechflot, on 04.05.2017 the 4MW multipurpose MPSV07 rescue vessel "Spasatel Kavdeykin " took part in took part in the oil spill response exercises in port Prigorodnoye.

The exercises were devoted to working out an action of elimination of the emergency situation caused by oil spill from the damaged tanker.

Aims of the exercise were:
 tryout of actions of forces and technical means of “Administration seaports Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands and Kamchatka”, Sakhalin Branch of FBE "Marine Salvage Service of RosMorRechFlot" during oil spill response on the waters of the port of Prigorodnoye;
 improving the practical actions of the crews of vessels of the Sakhalin Branch of FBE "Marine Salvage Service of RosMorRechFlot" and staff of emergency units for localization and eliminating the oil spill;
 checking of the adequacy of forces and means of the Sakhalin Branch of FBE "Marine Salvage Service of RosMorRechFlot" for localization and eliminating the oil spill on the waters of the port of Prigorodnoy

Exercises were effected successfully, all aims were worked out, set tasks were fulfilled.

"Spasatel Kavdeykin " is a unique multifunctional salvage vessel by her equipment and available technology; she was built in 2013 by Nevsky Shipyard (Russia) by order of FSUC "State Customer Management of Maritime Transport Development Programs" of the Federal Agency of Maritime and River Transport of the Russian Federation. Vessel was built in behalf of "State Marine Emergency Salvage, Rescue and Pollution Prevention Coordination Service of the Russian Federation" (FBE SMPCSA). 4 vessels of the "Spasatel Karev" type are the biggest and the most significant vessels nowadays built at the expense of funds of the Federal Target Program for the Development of transport system of Russia for 2010-2015 years.

Vessel's project was designed by Marine Engineering Bureau.

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