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2017 July 20   13:40

Marine Recruiting Agency in HI'17 increased the number of graduates by 58%

In the first half of 2017 LLC “Marine Recruiting Agency” (MRA) trained 1 713 specialists in marine, road-building and warehousing trades, which is by 58% more than during the same period of 2016. 

MRA says 960 people completed basic professional training programmes, having exceeded the similar figure of last year by 39%. Of them 488 people completed professional training in work trades. 
The most popular among students are the trades of “mooring man”, “slingsman”, “dockworker-mechanic” and “tallyman”.   

472 people completed professional development and retraining programmes in road-building, crane-driving and other professions. The most popular professions were “forklift driver”, “port tractor driver” and “driver of reach-stacker”. 

During the reported period the programmes of additional professional education, including labour and fire safety, were completed by 668 people, which is 2.5 times more than for the six months of the last year. Such a significant increase was mainly conditioned by the new professional development programme “Safe methods of working at height” (with certification in 1st, 2nd and 3rd safety groups). By the end of the reported period MRA granted 500 respective certificates.   

For six months of 2017 85 students of specialized training schools completed their training in MRA. They mastered additional practical trades, such as “forklift driver”, “loading equipment mechanic” and “tallyman”. 

MRA has developed specialized adapted programmes for the students of Higher education institutions. On the one hand, these programmes take into account that the students already have basic knowledge, on the other – they allow the students to master additional practical trade.      

LLC “Marine Recruiting Agency” – recruiting company representing interests of transport logistic, construction and other companies of North-Western region in sphere of recruiting, training and provision of temporary personnel. MRA was established in 2001 and is a subsidiary company of JSC “Sea Port of Saint-Petersburg”.

Since January 01, 2016 the company has been accredited by Federal Service on Labour and Employment for performing the activities related to provision of personnel.

The Agency has its own Training Centre with its own technical infrastructure. Its functions are primary training, re-qualification and advanced training on the basis of various educational programmes.

JSC “Sea Port of Saint-Petersburg” (a company of UCL Port – stevedoring division of the International transportation group UCL Holding) – is the largest operator, rendering services on handling of all types of dry cargoes in the Greater Port of Saint-Petersburg.  It operates modern multipurpose specialized terminals for handling of general and bulk cargoes and specialized terminals for ro-ro cargoes. 

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