GlavGosEkspertiza (Russia’s General Board of State Expert Review) says it has approved the projects on construction of workshops for Zvezda Shipyard: plumbers shed mechanical-installation, outfitting and block assembly shops.
Having studied the materials, the experts acknowledged the compliance of the project documentation and the findings of the engineering survey with technical regulations and other requirements.
Zvezda Shipyard will be Russia’s only center for construction of mid- and large-tonnage marine facilities - tankers of up to 350,000 t in displacement, gas carriers of up to 250,000 cbm in capacity, offshore platform units, ice class vessels, specialized vessels and other types of ships.
Zvezda Shipyard is established at the Far Eastern Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Center (FESRC) by a consortium of Rosneftegaz, Rosneft and Gazprombank. The project will be implemented in three phases. Phase I – Hull structures fabrication shop and paint shops - obtained state expert approval in 2014. Then it was divided into 16 stages, each to be approved separately.
GlavGosEkspertiza earlier approved the project of Zvezda Shipyard’s Data Processing Center that will control all technical and technological processes and engineering systems of the shipyard.