Shipbuilding complex Zvezda (Bolshoy Kamen, Primorsky Territory) will generate 6,500 new jobs, says press center of the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East.
Shipbuilding specialists are among top 5 most demanded professions in the Far East. In 2018, Zvezda will employ 1,500 people, said Aleksandr Polkovnikov, head of education department of the shipbuilding complex.
The Zvezda Shipbuilding Complex is being built by a Consortium of Rosneftegaz, Rosneft and Gazprombank on the basis of the Far Eastern Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Center. Pilot work load for the Complex is provided by Rosneft, which made an exclusive agreement with FESRC to place all orders for new marine equipment and vessels with its facilities, as well as contracts for the design, construction and delivery of two multipurpose ice-class supply vessels. The new 100 meter-long ships will be able to operate in the most severe conditions for Rosneft offshore projects in the northern seas. In addition, two more supply vessels will also be built.