To facilitate loading of domestic shipyards RF Ministry of Industry and Trade together with industry related companies are making comprehensive efforts to ensure the priority of using products of Russian origin. This is driven by the Order of RF Government No 719 dated 17 July 2015 (revised on 13.03.2018) “On confirming Russian origin of industrial goods” and a supplement document, “Specifications of industrial products to be rated as goods manufactured in the Russian Federation”. IAA PortNews correspondent cites Dmitry Stoyanov, Deputy Director General of Central Research and Development Institution “Kurs” (CNII Kurs), as saying today at the international forum “Shipbuilding in the Arctic”.
As part of the policy on phasing-out of imports including breakthrough shipbuilding technologies, the Department of Shipbuilding Industry and Marine Facilities at RF Ministry of Industry and Trade is working on updating those specifications, said Dmitry Stoyanov. CNII Kurs experts are involved in this process.
The center for phasing-out import of shipboard equipment was established at the premises of CNII Kurs in late 2017. his Center should become the key provider of scientific and methodological support to the Department of Shipbuilding Industry and Marine Facilities at RF Ministry of Industry and Trade.