This year’s last scheduled drawing of Saint-Petersburg bridges to be held on 29/30 November night, says press center of Volgo-Balt Administration.
According to the order of Rosmorrechflot (Federal Marine and River Transport Agency) dated 15.12.2017 (No ВО-344-р) operation of aids to navigation and locks is scheduled as follows:
- main route of Volga-Baltic Waterway – November 15,
- Ladoga lake, Volkhov bar, Volkhov/Lovat’/Velikaya rivers and Ladoga canals – October 31,
- Onega canal – October 25,
- Kaliningrad Region rivers – November 30,
- Trostyanka/Severnaya rivers – November 28.
Beginning and end of operation can be adjusted taking into consideration ice conditions.
Volkhov lock will operate through 31 October 2018.