Anticipating further growth, Polish ports are planning significant increase of infrastructure investment. BALTEXPO International Maritime Exhibition (09-11 September 2019) is a perfect and proven networking opportunity to match and fill their plans with top technologies available globally, say the event organizers.
In 2017, the leading Polish ports noted record-breaking transshipments. A combined result of over 87 million tons is a historic result. However, 2018 is even better and in the perspective of a few years Polish ports will exceed 100 million tons. The increase in transshipments and long-term forecasts are forcing the boards of the largest Polish ports to seek opportunities for further development. Bold expansion plans move in one direction only - out to sea. Today, these plans are becoming more and more real and it seems that current port management boards will take every step to implement them.
A gigantic project worth 2-2.5 billion EUR is going to be implemented by the Port of Gdansk's Maritime Authority. The Central Port is a new investment to be created between the mouth of the port channel and Naftoport. It concerns the allocation of several hundred hectares of the area of the Gulf of Gdansk to new, universal terminals in connection with the development of the port. Some of the large scale investments in that area are already launched and by the end of July first bids will be opened in a tender worth over 95 million EUR – for so called Northern Quay, planned to serve primarily for Ro-Ro operations.
Throughout the years, the intensive development of both the Port and the city of Gdynia has caused a shortage of land for further development of the port. The panacea for this challenge is the concept of building an Outer Port as part of the Port of Gdynia 2030 program. The concept of the construction of the Outer Port was recognized as a project worthy of implementation by Marek Gróbarczyk, Minister of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation. Port management is currently working on a detailed concept of hydro technical solutions and talking to potential investors who show an interest in the implementation of the project.
It is worth noting, that also Gdynia is condicting infrastructure development investments already. During BALTEXPO 2017, Gdynia port authorities signed contract with company PORR SA Warszawa for expansion of turning cycle nr 2 in the port. Thanks to that, ships of up to 400 meters in length will be able to call at the sea port in Gdynia. The price of turntable expansion will be over 27,7 mln zl. The development strategy of the Port of Gdynia assumes that its transshipment capacity will be about 44.5 million tons in 2027.
The Port of Szczecin and Świnoujście SA Authority, with a view to ensuring further dynamic development of the seaports in Szczecin and Świnoujście, has made efforts to initiate the development of the port infrastructure for a deep-water container terminal in Świnoujście. It is planned to build a pier, which should be separated from the sea by a breakwater. The infrastructure and superstructure of the terminal is to enable the handling of 1.5 million TEU per year (handling capacity of about 2.0 million TEU). According to preliminary estimates of the Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation, the construction of the terminal would cost about EUR 500 million.
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