In view of growing cargo flow on the Northern Sea Route, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation sets new tasks for the system of hydrometeorological support of shipping, the Ministry’s press center cites Murad Kerimov, Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, as saying at the ‘Arctic: Territory of Dialogue’ 5th International Arctic Forum.
“To ensure safe and smooth traffic on the Northern Sea Route we strengthen the infrastructure of Rishydromet (Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring – Ed.) in the Arctic. We need a reliable information support of shipping for minimization of icebreaker assistance. It is especially important for the busy water area of the Gulf of Ob”, said Murad Kerimov.
The plan for 2021-2025 include commissioning of the North Pole platform, modernization of the existing and reactivation of hard-to-access hydrometeorological stations, development of information systems. The above-mentioned activities are financed under the state programme on RF Arctic zone development with a possibility to involve public private partnership.
To develop the system of ice and hydrometeorological monitoring a system of automated drifting buoys is to be created and a constellation of hydrometeorological satellites is to be revived as part of the Federal Space Programme.
According to the statement, observations performed by ships are also a significant source of up-to-date information.
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