A shipbuilding cluster is to be created in the Murmansk Region with state support, IAA PortNews correspondent cites Murmansk Region Acting Governor Andrey Chibis as saying after the meeting of RF Government’s Commission for Arctic Development. According to him, the issue of the cluster will be taken into consideration while elaborating the plan for the development of the NSR infrastructure.
“We have a number of shipbuilding plants in different conditions. Private partners, including those involved in the fishing business, are ready to invest in ship repair... It is crucial to include this project into the comprehensive plan for the development of the Northern Sea Route infrastructure so that a required state support could be foreseen and, which is the most significant, to synchronize the creation of the required infrastructure. That means a distributed network of ship repair centers with considering their specialization. It is of crucial importance to ensure that service for the maximum number of vessels, - Andrey Chibis said when answering the question of IAA PortNews. – There is such a competence, partly lost in the previous years but the potential is high with the shipping in the Kola bay opening new opportunities for development”.
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