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  3. SSA hosts inaugural Tech and Demo Day, announces formation of Digital Transformation Committee

2019 August 1   16:18

SSA hosts inaugural Tech and Demo Day, announces formation of Digital Transformation Committee

The Singapore Shipping Association (SSA), the industry voice of Singapore’s maritime community, on July 31 held its inaugural Tech and Demo Day, during which it announced the formation of a new Digital Transformation Committee, SSA said in its media release.

The Tech and Demo Day aims to help shipping companies—including the small and medium-sized enterprises (SME)—catalyse their adoption of technological innovations by bridging the industry with technology start-ups. The initiative is also part of SSA’s efforts to support the Sea Transport Industry Digital Plan for the ship agency sub-sector driven by the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA), the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), Enterprise Singapore, and SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG).

During the Tech and Demo Day, technology providers showcased solutions and services designed to meet the needs of both SME and global shipping players. These solutions ranged from maritime cybersecurity to tele-medicine, and from smart supply chains to using cognitive automation to reduce administrative processes.

Complementing the presentations and demonstration booths were SME Digital Tech Hub clinics under the SMEs Go Digital Programme by the IMDA, where shipping companies could access free specialist consultancy on digital needs, government programs and grants to speed up digital adoption by the maritime industry.

At the Tech and Demo Day, SSA also announced the formation of a new Digital Transformation Committee. The Committee, chaired by SSA Councillor Mr. Steen Lund, will seek to help member companies change their business and operating models by leveraging on digital capabilities to achieve internal efficiencies, reduce costs and improve their services for sustained growth in the digital economy. Mr. Lund will be supported by his fellow Council Member, Mr. Teo Teng Seng, as Vice Chairman.

“The strong turnout for the Tech and Demo Day—more than 200 participants representing the broad spectrum of Singapore’s maritime community—is a clear signal of the interest among industry players in harnessing technology to strengthen their  competitive propositions. The first edition this year focuses on helping bridge maritime SME with nimble technology tailored for their needs,” said Ms. Caroline Yang, SSA President.

“I’m also excited that that the Digital Transformation Committee has been formed. This demonstrates a clear commitment by SSA to help our members and the industry chart a sustainable path forward—embracing the challenges and seizing the opportunities— in the age of digital disruption,” Ms. Yang concluded.

About the Singapore Shipping Association

The Singapore Shipping Association (SSA) represents a wide spectrum of shipping companies and other businesses allied to the shipping industry. It is a national trade association formed in 1985 to serve and promote the interests of its members and to enhance the competitiveness of Singapore as an International Maritime Centre. To achieve its objectives, the SSA engages and collaborates with the shipping industry key stakeholders and is a trusted advisor and partner to related government agencies. SSA is also actively involved in promoting the interests of shipping in Singapore and internationally. The SSA has been appointed executive seats, and co-operates with other regional and international shipping organisations to protect the marine environment and promote freedom and safety at sea. Despite being a not-for-profit  organisation, SSA strives to give back generously on behalf of its members, to the community in Corporate Social Responsibilities activities. Currently, the SSA represents over 460 member companies; comprising ship owners and operators, ship managers, ship agents and other ancillary companies such as shipbrokers, classification societies, marine insurers, bunker suppliers, maritime lawyers, and shipping bankers amongst others.

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