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2019 December 6   17:28

Acceptance/delivery certificate for Kalas, first rescue tugboat of Project MPSV12

Federal Marine and River Transport Agency (Rosmorrechflot) announced signing of acceptance/delivery certificate for rescue tugboat Kalas, the first multipurpose small-draft salvage vessel in a series of four ships of Project MPSV12 built by Nevsky Shipyard for Marine Rescue Service of Rosmorrechflot. The document has been signed today, 6 December 2019,  in the port of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

The ship is built to the order of the State Customer Directorate on behalf of the Federal Marine and River Transport Agency for Marine Rescue Service under the state project of the Russian Federation “Development of Transport System”.

Project MPSV12 is developed by Marine Engineering Bureau-Design-SPb.

RS class natation: KM* Arc5 [1] AUT1 FF2WS DYNPOS-2 Salvage Ship.

General characteristics of the ship: LOA - about 79.85 m, LBPs - 73.39 m, breadth - 16,80 m, BOA (including fendering) - 17.36 m, DWL draft - 3.20 m, draft max - 4.50 m, DWT at DWL draft - about 440 tonnes,  DWT at draft max - around 193 tonnes, main engines max rated power – 2 x 2610 kW, endurance (fuel, water, food) – at least 30 days; fuel range – about 4,000 n.m.; crew – 12; accommodation of rescued people – 150; special personnel – 22; total number of people – 186.

Purpose of the vessel:
− stand-by duty, rescue duty in areas of shipping, fishing, sea oil and gas fields according to the ship class
− search-off and assistance for damaged vessels which are in distress
− rescue, ship-repair and dive works at depth not more than 60 m, also diving works with underwater welding and cutting
− towing service of damaged vessels and objects to shelter area, and also providing sea towing of vessels, floating objects and constructions in ice conditions and at open water
− firefighting of burning fuel on water, oil spills response service emergency oil and oil product spill
−search and inspection underwater potential accident objects
− search, rescue, evacuation and placing of people, providing first aid to injured persons
− providing assistance at firefighting at floating and coastal objects accessible from sea
− delivery and offloading of different cargoes including general cargo, off-shore containers, liquid cargo, etc.
− delivery of staff − ROV of working class with depth up to 3000 m service

The ship is named after the Kalas river in the Arkhangelsk Region.

Schliesselburg, Russia based Nevsky Shipyard, LLC  is one of the oldest enterprises of water transport in Russia’s North-West region, which has been building and repairing ships from 1952. Nevsky Shipyard’s production facilities are located on the left bank of the Neva River. The shipyard builds sea-going and inland vessels and performs repair and maintenance of any types. Its own shiplift enables Nevsky Shipyard to launch and lift for drydocking 150-m-long, 4,800-tonne ships.

Related link:

Multipurpose ship of Project MPSV12, Kalas, successfully completed sea trials>>>>

Nevsky Shipyard starts mooring trials of salvage tug Kalas >>>>


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