On 6 February 2020, Vyborg Shipyard (a company of Russia’s United Shipbuilding Corporation) completed preparing the processing trawler of Project КМТ01, White Sea, for launching, says IAA PortNews correspondent.
As the shipyard’s press center told IAA PortNews, the flating out ceremony is scheduled for the middle of February.
The White Sea is the third freezing trawler of Project КМТ01 built by Vyborg Shipyard for Arkhangelsk Trawl Fleet JSC (a company of North West Fishing Consortium) under the investment quota programme. The ship was laid down on 25 May 2018.
The КМТ01 design was developed by Marine Engineering Bureau basing on design of Skipsteknisk (Norway).
A new trawler is designed with regard to its operation in the freezing seas. The hull ice strengthening will enable effective fishery in the Northern and Far East sea basins. It will be fitted with powerful cargo cranes, a trawl complex of the latest generation and an automatic palletizing system of products in the hold to minimize the time for unloading the catches. An automated plant for processing and production of fillet, fish meal plant, equipment for fish oil production and a canning plant are to be installed on board the trawler.
Main particulars: LOA – about 86 m; breadth – 17.0 m; depth to main deck – 6.75 m; deadweight – 2,992.5 t; speed – 15 knots; RS class notation - KM Ice3 AUT1 (REF) Fishing Vessel.
The new project design versatility ensures different modifications of fishing and processing equipment to be mounted on the ships of the series allowing to catch not only bottom fish, but also pelagic species, shrimps and other aquatic bioresources. The first ship is to be delivered to the customer by March 2019. A total of four trawlers are scheduled in the series.
Vyborg Shipyard PJSC (part of state-owned United Shipbuilding Corporation from 2012) is one of the largest shipbuilding companies of the North-Western Region of Russia. From the date of its foundation in 1948 the Shipyard has built 210 different vessels, 9 offshore drilling rigs and 105 topside modules for fixed offshore platforms with total displacement of over 1,550,000 t.
Related link:
Vyborg Shipyard lays down lead ship of new processing trawlers series >>>>