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2021 March 31   12:03

APM Terminals Quetzal installs two non-intrusive inspection equipments to ensure port security

As part of the actions of the Customs Integral Modernization Program promoted by the Superintendence of Tax Administration (SAT) customs, APM Terminals Quetzal (APMTQ) inaugurated two non-intrusive inspection equipment (X-Ray Scanners), with an investment of more than US$7 million. This new implementation will allow 100% of the cargo to be inspected immediately with real-time images, according to the company's release.

The X-Ray scanning equipment will cover both import and export container flows, so processes are not interrupted, and inspections and operations runs smoothly. These tools increase the control, traceability, and transparency of cargo handling at the Temporary Customs Warehouse (DAT).

Coordination with SAT has made it possible to define all the DAT compliance requirements, as well as to manage the participation of other authorities involved in the Terminal so that they are also an active part of the non-intrusive inspections.

It is worth mentioning that this equipment is essential in the fight against custom fraud and drug trafficking, since it inspects 100% of the cargo entering the port Terminal by sea and land. In addition, it allows a more assertive inspection in real time and provides a database of images for further consultation by the authorities.

All the information transmitted by the non-intrusive inspection equipment will be reviewed exclusively by the authorities involved in the Port: SAT, the General Sub-Directorate of Analysis and Anti-Narcotic Information, The Division of Ports and Border Airports, the Regional International Agricultural Health Agency and the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Nutrition.

Since 2017, the year APMTQ began operations, there has been a 62% increase in weekly vessel space availability at Puerto Quetzal, adding new routes and shipping lines that use larger vessels that take advantage of the Terminal’s infrastructure.

Likewise, APMTQ operation has increased the number of direct services (without transshipment) arriving at Empresa Portuaria Quetzal, including Asian ports, by 47%, which means improvements in efficiency and costs for exporters and importers. Due to the joint work with the authorities, there has been a considerable increase to the customs collection in the Pacific, growing up to 36% since 2017.


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