![](https://portnews.ru/upload/news/rtf/144_pppochrchtchy pRpochspmpochrchrpechchchfplpocht.jpg)
Handling of dry cargo fell by 4%, handling of liquid bulk cargo rose by 3.7%
In January-October 2022, seaports of Russia handled 694.546 million tonnes of cargo, which is almost flat, year-on-year, (down 0.1%), says the Federal Marine and River Transport Agency (Rosmorrechflot).
In the reported period, handling of dry cargo totaled 332.8 million tonnes (-4%), liquid bulk cargo — 361.7 million tonnes (+3.7%).
Throughput of seaports in the Arctic Basin rose by 4.1% to 81.9 million tonnes including 24.3 million tonnes of dry bulk cargo (-1%) and 57.6 million tonnes of liquid bulk cargo (+6.4%).
Throughput of seaports in the Baltic Basin totaled 203.6 million tonnes (-2.3%) including 79.7 million tonnes of dry bulk cargo (-18.8%) and 123.9 million tonnes of liquid bulk cargo (+12.5%).
Throughput of seaports in the Azov-Black Sea Basin increased by 0.2% to 214.3 million tonnes. Handling of dry bulk cargo totaled 97.3 million tonnes (+2%), liquid bulk cargo — 117 million tonnes (-1.3%).
Throughput of seaports in the Caspian Basin dropped by 20.1% to 4.7 million tonnes including 2.4 million tonnes of dry bulk cargo (+16.7%) and 2.3 million tonnes of liquid bulk cargo (-40.2%).
Throughput of seaports in the Far East Basin rose by 0.7% to 190 million tonnes including 129.1 million tonnes of dry bulk cargo (+2.1%) and 60.9 million tonnes of liquid bulk cargo (-2.1%).