A keel-laying ceremony has been held today, 28 February 2023, at Tatarstan, Russia based Zelenodolsk Shipyard named after Maxim Gorky (part of Ak Bars Shipbuilding Corporation, AK BARS Holding) for two high-speed passenger hydrofoils of Project 03830, Meteor-2020, and Russia’s first innovative hydrogen-powered recreational craft of Project 00393. According to a post on the social networking website Official Zelenodolsk, the Meteors were name after Mikhail Devyatayev and Musa Jalil.
The ceremony was attended by Rustam Minnikhanov, head of the Republic of Tatarstan; Oleg Korobchenko, Deputy Prime Minister of Tatarstan – Ministry of Industry and Trade; Mikhail Afanasyev, head of the Zelenodolsk District; Ivan Yegorov, Director of AK BARS Holding; Renat Mistakhov, head of Ak Bars Shipbuilding Corporation; Aleksandr Philippov, General Director of Zelenodolsk Shipyard named after Maxim Gorky.
The contract for the construction of Russia’s first hydrogen-powered ship was signed by Zelenodolsk Shipyard and Krylov State Research Center on 15 September 2022 in the framework the 10th Petersburg International Gas Forum. The recreational craft of Project 00393 was designed by Krylov State Research Center’s Balsudoproekt bureau.

The contract for the construction of two passenger hydrofoils of project 03830 between Zelenodolsk Shipyard, Severrechflot and Mashpromleasing was signed on 26 January 2021. The ship designer is Sea Tech Ltd. headquartered in Nizhny Novgorod.
The ships feature an innovative self-stabilizing flight control system allowing for a 20-30% increase of seaworthiness, 40-50% decrease of load when accelerating on waves, reduction of take-off time and other advantages.
Particulars of Project 03830: LOA — 36 m; BOA — 11 m; passenger capacity — 124; crew — 7; draft — 2 m; still water speed — up to 77 km/k; voyage duration — 13 hours.
Zelenodolsk Plant named after M. Gorky based in Tatarstan, Russia specializes in the construction of warships and passenger high-speed vessels. The enterprise is managed by AK BARS HOLDING. The shipyard has built more than 1,500 different ships, including 600 warships.
Joint Stock Company “Shipbuilding Corporation “Ak Bars” comprises industrial companies numbering over 10,000 employees. Priority areas of Ak Bars’ activity are as follows: design engineering, shipbuilding, manufacturing of component parts, ship repair, maintenance, electrical works, training, services.
Photos from Official Zelenodolsk