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2006 April 19   07:17

Freight turnover of Izmailski Sea Trade Port (the Ukraine) was equal to 1.4 million tons

According to administration of Izmailski Sea Trade Port (the Ukrainian Danube), freight turnover of the enterprise was equal to 1.364 million tons to the results of the first quarter of 2006. (-16.3 % of the similar period of the last year), RZHD-Partner reports. The port has provided over 60 % of cumulative port transhipment of region. The reasons for volume decrease are the extremely unfavorable weather conditions, encountered on the Niznniy Danube on the beginning of the year (including ice conditions). Therefore, if 359 thousand tons were processed in January 2006, then in February only – 363 tons and in March - 641.8 thousand (+9.5 % by March-2005). As a result, the task planned for March is exceeded by 16.5 %. An additional factor of March growth was switching of freight traffics of the neighboring port of the Ukrainian Danube - Renijski, blocked since March 2006 by pridnestrovskij conflict. The port specializes in transhipment of dry cargoes. The basic nomenclature consists of ore cargoes in quarter volume of 665.4 thousand tons (-9.3 % to the first quarter of 2005), coal (404.3 thousand tons,-10.7 % accordingly), metal cargoes (219.4 thousand tons,-28.7 %), grain cargo(10.3 thousand tons, +27.1 %). 965 vessels were processed in the port for a quarter (-22.6 % to the first quarter 2005.), including sea vessels - 91 units (-11.7 %). The share of March has totaled 445 units (+0.9 % by March 2005г.) and 42 units (+5 %) accordingly.

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