The freight traffic over the Volgo-Balt in navigation of 2006 will decrease in comparison with the last year by 10-20% to 7-8 million tons. As correspondent of PortNews IAA reports, Vladimir Nikolaev, head of the Volgo-Balt SBA (State Basin Administration) announced it at a press conference. According to Vladimir Nikolaev, from 9 million tons of export cargoes, transported from the Volga to the Baltic Sea in navigation of 2005, maximum 7-8 million tons are to pass in the current year. Under the forecast of Peter Razumov, President of Tanker Union (Tankernyj Sojuz) Nonprofit Partnership and general director of Vision Fleet LLC, the volume of bulk cargoes transported through St.-Petersburg in navigation of 2006 will total 4.2 million tons, including 1.5 million tons planned to be transported form oil refineries belonging to Samara Group, 1 million tons – form Ufa oil refinery and 1 million tons - from LUKOIL Oil Company.
Figures for freight traffic in the direction to the Volga, according to Vladimir Nikolaev, will remain at a former level of 3 million tons.