Many regions saw mixed bunker price movements on Tuesday as the price of crude fell for a second day, Ship & Bunker reports. Singapore IF380 and MGO ended three consecutive market days of gains and dropped $3.50 to $628.50 per metric tonne (pmt) and $6.50 to $903.00 pmt respectively.
Hong Kong saw IFO380 gain $2.00 to $648.00 pmt, and MGO climbed for a third consecutive market day gaining $6.00 to $926.00 pmt.
Rotterdam IFO380 and MGO moved up for a fourth consecutive market day gaining $0.50 to $611.50 and $1.00 to $906.00 pmt respectively.
In Fujairah 380 cSt product ended three consecutive market days of gains and lost $4.00 to move the price to $636.00, while MGO also lost $4.00 to $1001.50 pmt.
Houston IFO380 gained for a fourth consecutive market day climbing $1.50 to $620.50, and MGO ended three consecutive market days of gains dropping $1.00 to $953.00 pmt.
LA / Long Beach IFO380 was steady at $611.00 pmt for a second consecutive market day.
The WTI spot price was down for a second consecutive market day sliding $1.72 (-1.92%) to close at $88.06 per barrel.
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