Today, August 1st, ZNT Yard launched ice-class docking-tug of TG04M Project, the shipbuilding company said. The vessel ordered by Rosmorport was built under the supervision of the Russian River Register (RRR).
In June 2011, ZNT Yard was awarded a contract for two ice-class tugs by Rosmorport after the company had won in an open bidding. ZNT Yard proposed the TG04M project and the construction period of 15 months. Both vessels’ keels were laid on December 8, 2011. The second boat is to be launched in August 2012. The newbuilds are expected to be delivered ahead of schedule by several months. The tugs are being built for the Azov Basin branch or Rosmorport.
ZNT Yard is experienced in building ice-class tugs. In 2009, the shipbuilder executed an order of MMC Norilsk Nickel for the TG04 project tug "Portovy-1", which has been operating at the port of Dudinka. In July 2012, after sea trials MMC Norilsk Nickel signed an acceptance certificate for Portovy-2 tug, which will also be homeported in Dudinka.
The project TG04M boats were designed by Odessa-based Marine Engineering Bureau to RRR class - "O" 2,0 (Ice 30) A, the working design documentation was prepared by ZNT Engineering.
The icebreaking single-deck twin-screw tug is designed for river, harbor towing, docking operations or inshore transportation of 12 passengers (dock workers). The boat will be operated on inland waterways and estuaries with sea navigation mode "O" under the rules of the PPP. The designer provides for cold lay-up of the vessel for the six-month period
Ship’s characteristics: LOA - 20.96 m, BOA - 6,6 m, depth amidships - 2.4 m, draft at DWL - 1.8 m, displacement at DWL draft, fresh water - 126.6 tons, DWT - about 27.8 tons. Main engine rated power - 2x221 kW. Endurance (fuel/water) - 4.4 / 9.4 days.
JSC Nizhny Novgorod Motor Vessel Plant, ZNT Yard, based in Nizhny Novgorod region (Russia), specializes in the construction of supply and auxiliary vessels, harbor equipment and marine engines.