The Board of Directors of Severnaya Verf Shipyard will consider the approval of an agreement for a RUB Revolving Credit Facility (RCF) with Alfa-Bank at a meeting slated for tomorrow, August 7, 2012, the shipbuilding company said.
The meeting agenda includes the election of the Severnaya Verf Board’s Chairman Anatoly Tyukov, changes in organizational structure, election of the Corporate Secretary and on the instruction to the Company’s CEO to organize pre-contract work with loan institutions in order to bring the terms of contracts in line with the Company’s interests and eliminate the contradictions with current legislation of RF.
St. Petersburg-based Severnaya Verf (Northern Shipyard) is a leading shipbuilding company of the Russian defense industry. The firm has been part of Moscow-headquartered United Industrial Corporation since 2004. The shipyard specializes in building cruisers, destroyers, minesweepers, patrol vessels and antisubmarine, research and passenger vessels, timber cargo carriers, trawlers, container ships and ro-ro vessels for the Russian Defense Ministry and foreign customers.