Petrobras entered into agreements with Sete Brasil, Queiroz Galvao, Petroserv, Odebrecht, Odfjell and Seadrill for the chartering and operation of 12 floating drilling platforms to be constructed in Brazil with a national content of between 55 and 65 percent. After construction, the rigs will be chartered by Petrobras for 15 years. These 12 rigs are part of a package of 21 platforms negotiated with Sete Brasil, Rigzone reports.
Of the six semisubmersible platforms to be built by Estaleiro BrasFELS in Angra dos Reis (RJ), three will be operated by Queiroz Galvão, two by Petroserv and one by Odebrecht.
The other six will be of the drilling vessel type and will be built by Estaleiro Jurong Aracruz (ES). Three will be operated by Odfjell and the other three by Seadrill.
Petrobras conducted a prior analysis of the shipyards in order to evaluate their capacity to meet the contractual commitments associated with the construction of the platforms, including the deadlines and minimum national content ratios. Various aspects were verified, including the suitability of the installations, evidence of commitments with suppliers of inputs and main equipment packages, environmental licensing, management of HSE (health, safety and the environment) and contractual management, as well as legal and financial aspects.
The 12 units will be delivered as of 2016 and will mostly be used for drilling wells in the pre-salt areas of the Santos Basin, including the onerous assignment areas. They can operate in depths of up to 3,000 meters, with a drilling capacity of up to 10,000 meters.
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