Several St. Petersburg-based major shipping companies have expressed their concern on possible introduction of complete ban on the movement of passenger recreational boats during lifting of St. Petersburg bridges and when cargo ships pass under the bridges, the company’s spokespersons told PortNews.
The shipping companies, members of the Association of Owners of Passenger Fleet of St. Petersburg, including Astra Marin, Neva-Travel, Russian Cruises and Driver, operate a fleet of more than 100 passenger boats in St. Petersburg, about 70%-80% of the high-speed crafts in the city, 60%-70% of Moscow class vessels and up to 15% of Fontanka class) engaged in transportation of passengers on the Neva River and other rivers and canals of St. Petersburg.
The recent collision of a recreational boat "Rossi" (owned by Albatross) and the M/V Kelarvi (owner - CJSC Onega Ship) is believed to be the reason for a possible tightening of the legislation was .
Earlier PortNews has reported, citing a source in the Ministry of Transport that the Ministry intends to adopt by the end of August 2012 new rules for anchorage and movement of ships in the Northwest Basin. It is expected that the new legislation will regulate the movement of small vessels and recreational boats.