Arkhangelsk-based Laysky Shipyard has launched the ice-class tug "Iskander," the Arkhangelsk shipping company Ecotek-Bunker said. After undergoing sea trials in September, the Iskander will join the fleet of the company.
In the framework of the "Northern Deliveries" the tugboat will transport barges laden with coal, firewood, construction materials to remote areas of the Arkhangelsk region: Mezen, Kamenka, Onega, and to the Nenets Autonomous District.
The Iskander is capable of towing vessels of up to 5 tons. Over the past year and a half this has been second ice-class tug, launched at Laysky Shipyard.
Laysky Shipyard is located in the Lay River estuary, a tributary of the Northern Dvina. The shipyard has a 14,000cmb dry dock, for construction of both flat and keeled vessels of dock weight of 2,500 ton, with 115-m-long keel track cribbing and vessels of breadth overall of 15.3 m, maximum draft of vessels - 5.0 m. The dock crane’s lifting capacity is 20 tons.
Since 2005, Laysky Shipyard has been part of ECOTEK-Bunker holding. For the past seven years the shipbuilder has constructed some 20 vessels of various types and purposes.