From Asia to Europe Westbound (Europe/Mediterranean/Black Sea/North Africa trades) Following the Postponement of the August 1st Peak Season Surcharge to September 1st, CMA CGM hereby confirms the implementation of a rate restoration of USD 300 / TEU as from September 1st.
The Rate Restoration will be applied as follows:
Origin Range: from All Asian ports (including Japan, South East Asia and Bangladesh)
Destination range: to all Northern European ports (including UK and the full range from Portugal to Russia), to West Med, Adriatic, East Med, Black Sea and North Africa.
Cargo: Dry cargo, OOG's, Paying empties, Break-bulk and Reefer cargo
Date of application: 1st September 2012 on board date
From Europe to Asia Eastbound (Europe and West Mediterranean trades)
CMA CGM Group will implement a Rate restoration of USD 200 / Container (20’ or 40’), effective October 1st, 2012 on the Europe / West Mediterranean to Asia (Eastbound) trades.
The above Rate Restoration will be applied as follows:
Origin Range: from All North European (including UK and the full range from Russia to Portugal) and West Mediterranean ports (Spain, France Med & Italy)
Destination range: to all Asian Ports (including Japan, Korea and South East Asia)
Cargo: Dry cargo, OOG's, Paying empties, Break-bulk and Reefer cargo
Date of application: 1st October 2012 on board date
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