In January of 2014 Klaipeda Seaport and Butinges terminal alltogether handled 3 mln. tons of seaborne cargo: Klaipeda Seaport handled 2,5 mln. tn (the change was -15,3 pct. or -453,1 thou. tn yoy) and Butinges terminal handled 0,5 mln. tn (the change was -49,9 pct. or -499,4 thou. tn yoy).
The highest cargo increase during the first month of the current comparing with January of 2013 was reached in general cargo group: totally 877,7 thou. tn, i.e. +7 pct. or +57,2 thou. tn were handled. Containerised cargo handling made the most significant impact on such a positive change – 429,3 thou. tn (+38 pct., +118,2 thou. tn) or 35 213 in terms of TEU (+15,6 pct. or +4 767 TEU) were handled in the Seaport.
Other cargo types making impact on cargo handling rate in January of the current year were the following:
-bulk natural and chemical fertilizers (580,9 thou. tn were handled, +7,2 pct. or +38,8 thou. tn yoy);
- iron ( 110,6 thou. tn were handled, +351,1 pct. or +86 thou. tn yoy);
-oil products (435,9 thou. tn were handled, the change was -46,5 pct. or -378,6 thou. tn yoy);
-Ro-Ro cargoes (339,6 thou. tn were handled, the change was -10 pct. or -37,6 thou. tn yoy);
- raw and processed minerals, construction materials (111,9 thou. tn were handled, the change was -13,4 pct. or -17,4 thou. tn yoy).